Action F.1

F.1. Management and coordination of the project

The coordinating beneficiary (GAN) should ensure proper planning, organization, communication and management of the TREMEDAL project and to achieve it, establish a structure that will work with the following management bodies: 
  • Management Committee / Navigation, maximum responsibility for the project implementation. It will be comprised of the project manager of each beneficiary. It will meet at least three times coinciding with meetings of the Technical Committee (beggining, middle, and end of the project).
  • Technical Committee, responsible for the proper execution of the actions. It shall be joined by a technical representative of each beneficiary. This committee will meet physically on seven occasions during the project (Consortium Meetings).
  • Management teams of each beneficiary: Each beneficiary will have a project manager and technical and administrative staff.
  • External Coordination Team. Its function is to support the coordinating beneficiary in their project management tasks. For this an external team will be subcontracted – with proven experience in project management – It will be under the direct control of the coordinating beneficiary. It will be in charge of forwarding the reports to the Commission and will be the means of communication with this.

In addition to these management agencies, TREMEDAL will have other structures to ease the active participation of different organizations related to the objectives of the project.

  • A Monitoring Committee in each Autonomous Community which will meet at least two times a year and that in the absence of defined components could be represented by:
    • The beneficiary of the region
    • The competent Regional Authority of Natura 2000
    • Other departments of government with responsibilities in the areas of the project, such as rural development, livestock or water policy.
    • The municipalities involved in the project actions
    • Regional actors involved and / or users (livestock associations involved … etc…) Or regional experts
  •  An International Advisory Committee will meet physically on at least two occasions during the project (start and end) and as often as necessary by electronic means. This commission will include the participation of persons / organizations with experience in conservation and restoration of peat lands, and participants will include:
    • Project beneficiaries
    • The Environmental, Rural and Marine Ministry
    • International scientific experts
    • Representatives of nature conservation organizations experienced with the habitats covered in the project, such as WWF and Global Nature.
    • Representatives of foreign institutions interested in this project, particularly in France, Portugal, The United Kingdom (Scotland) and Ireland
    • The International Advisory Committee, as well as providing technical support and visibility to the project, will also contribute to the recognition of the value of peat land habitats and hygrophilous environments of the North of the Iberian Peninsula at European level.