Action D.3

Acción D.3 Monitoring the socio-economic impact of the project

This project, in addition to contributing to the conservation of peat lands and other wetlands and greater social awareness about the valuable characteristics ​​they possess and its importance in the overall management of the territory,  the project aims to have a positive impact on the population and the local economy

It is important that the social partners and the general public are aware of the opportunities provided by the Natura 2000 network for social and economic development through the conservation and enhancement of natural heritage.

To evaluate the project’s socio-economic impact two actions are suggested:

  • In relation to the social impact, the implementation of an opinion survey at the beginning and end of the project will be administered, to quantitatively and qualitatively measure the change in the level of knowledge, awareness and attitude, following the development of the different understandings and communication.
  •  In order to evaluate the economic impact of the project the preparation of a review report will be written up discussing the percentage of the total budget of the project with a more direct impact on its geographical area: contracting works, other tasks and studies and awarded to local companies, travel and food, etc.

The contribution that the project may have on local development, for example, by promoting eco-tourism activities, (offering new areas of elevated natural interest, interpretive panels, brochures …) will also be assessed.

Finally, the manner in which actions have contributed to the restoration of ecosystem services and their economic value will be evaluated.