Action C.1

C.1. Restoration, impact prevention and creation of infrastructures for the proper management in the complex of peat lands and habitats located int the Atlantic zone of Navarra.

Four types of restorative actions will be implemented to improve the state of conservation in the habitats of community interest 4020*, 6410, 7410, and 7160 located in these enclaves

With these actions the habitat 6420 and some plants species that are threatened and are essential to maintain the structure of the those habitats will be favored: Carex hostiana y Rhynchospora fusca (for 7150), Spiranthes aestivalis (Annex IV).

1. Hydrologic Correction

The objective is to restrict the water output of the bog system in the enclaves of Alkurruntz, Belate, and Lixketa. This will be achieved by closing off drains with dams and blurred drainage ditches causing irregularity in the terrain. The placement of small wooden dams also serves to elevate the water table in specific areas and to create areas with different leves of of dampness. (From small permanent ponds, to temporary ponding zones, wet grasslands, etc.).

In the case of Belate this performance (2008-2009) was already successfully conducted  but it is considered advisable to install new dams in other areas of the wetland

2. Prevention of threats to the environment and mitigation of affects caused by the use of trails

Recreational vehicles pose and environmental threat to the enclaves of Lixketa, Maulitx and Belate upon accessing the mountain grassland and shrub land.

In Lixketa, in addition to the changes made by drainage, there is a trail that borders the western side of this area for a stretch of 100 m. In this case, the project should guarantee the hydrologic function of the enclave in a way compatible with the use of the trail.

In Maulitx the difficulties are similar to those of Lixketa, but, in addition, some of the species populations more important for the enclave (Lycopodiella inundata) are found very close to the route of the trail and therefore its modification is even more complex.

In Belate the perimeter trail to the fenced bog zone, which has undergone restoration since 2008, crosses a small ponded zone and a small irrigation channel which has increasingly disturbed of the plant life  in those stretches of land.

3. Installation of infrastructures for livestock management

The experience acquired in the Belate bog confirms the need to install livestock enclosures to guarantee managment compatible with the conservation of the current natural characteristics.  Although on occasions, the installation of the enclosures limits the access to springs which are watering holes, they alleviate the negative pressures caused by livestock on the damp enclaves especially during drier summers. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt new watering holes to compensate the farmers that have their flocks in the area whose activity is now limited. (Principally access restrictions to the fenced zones).

TREMEDAL intends to place livestock enclosures in Alkurruntz, Arxuri, Mendaur, Okolin and Xuriain, and preparing new watering holes in Alkurruntz, Lixketa, Maulitx, Okolin, and Xuriain

4. Recovery of Natural vegetation

Although similar experiences in other regions in northern Europe are known and have been documented, no actions of this type have been implemented in the project zone.

This pilot action which will be implemented in plots of small surface area (2 m2) within a total area of 500-100 m2, in Belate and Xuriain, will allow the comparison of two techniques of plant restoration:

  • the relocation of carpets of species of vegetative sphagnum and propagules found in other zones and
  • the production of curtains of vegetative sphagnum and propagules in controlled conditions of freezing for their subsequent.

The actions will be carried using specific techniques upon species common to different enclaves, however the list of species as well as the conditions will be specified in the wording of the project.

  •  The relocation trials of Menyanthes trifoliata, a plant local to the Belate area which has disappeared, will be carried out.
  • Also the population propagation and growth of Carex hostiana (in Belate y Arxuri) and of Rhynchospora fusca and Spiranthes aestivalis (in Arxuri)