Action C.6

C.6. Improvement of the state of conservation in the continental wetlands of the SCI Parga-Ladra-Támoga

In the last decade of the 20th century various projects were started with the aim of achieving the hydrological restoration necessary for the establishment of new aquatic populations and communities.  The anthropogenic conditions were also eliminated

Now, TREMEDAL proposes to act in the Laguna de Cospeito Wetland Complex with the goal of favoring the establishment and development of habitats belonging to the inferior lake borders in the northwest peninsular:

  • 4020* Damp Atlantic heaths in temperate areas of Erica Claris and Erica tetralix,
  •  6410 Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils and
  •  3110 oligotrophic waters of the sandy plains with a very low mineral content (Littorelletalia uniflorae)

The restoration will be effected on publicly owned land located in the Laguna Cospeito Wetland Complex, in areas close to the Laguna Nueva. The action area understudy dedicated at present exclusively to the conservation of biodiversity, corresponding to an area of carbonated marls located in the eastern part of the wetland system and occupy a surface of approximately 1.3 ha.

The tasks of the project consists in the reduction of the altimetric height of the action area aiming to favor ponding during the summer period.

The current topography presents an alternation of areas with gentle slopes (slopes inferior to 2%) with others in which the transition between the aquatic environments and terrains is brusque. These unnatural transitions rise over the spring-autumn level of the Laguna Central between 25-50 cm.

Remodeling the land in the project’s action area will permit the natural establishment of the types of habitats 4020*, 6410 and the creation of small, temporary ponds (3110), which at the same time, will favor the colonization of this site by species of high conservation interest like Eryngium viviparum, prority species, Luronium natans (Annex II and IV) or Pilularia globulifera, classified In Danger of Extinction in concordance with the Galician Catalog of Endangered Species (D 88/2007, DOG89 of 9/5/2007).
This action , which is complementary to the restoration of the habitats in this area, upon reaching particular conditions of ground covering, hypertrophy (generally derived from the existence of carbonated marls) and ponding, will enable the establishment of populations of interest from the point of view of conservation.
